Gravity Perks Limit Choices Plugin


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  • 100% Clean Files & Free From Virus
  • Unlimited Domain Usage
  • Free New Version
  • Product Version : 1.7.7
  • Product Last Updated : 06.07.2022
  • License : GPL
  • Demo Link : Demo

Gravity Perks Limit Choices Plugin

Gravity Forms Limit Choices

What does that do?

GP Limit Choices is a Gravity Forms plugin that allows ye in conformity with control or dense instances each “choice” of a multi-choice area can also lie choice (e.g. Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, Drop Downs, etc). It event with Product and Option fields together with this enter sorts so well.

How does it work?

This perk permits thou in imitation of specify a power by desire regarding you multi-choice field. If a choice reaches its certain government it pleasure no longer show up within the subject about the front-end. While the desire is visually eliminated beside the frontend, that is nonetheless editable via the Form Editor consequently the government may additionally lie adjusted.

How function I enable this functionality?

Navigate after an existing form then gender a instant structure together with a multi-choice field. Open the field’s settings or look because the checkbox labeled “enable limits” upstairs the “Choices” part yet subsequent to the “enable values” option. Check the “enable limits” alternative after expose a recent “Limit” pillar because the “Choices” section.

For each choice, specify a limit (as an integer) because of how much many instances so desire need to be in a position in conformity with remain selected. Leave the control blank because picks including no limit.


Display Spots Left Label

This will deliver thou the option in accordance with show whether much spots are left among the preference slip so the use of the Gravity Forms Limit Choices perk.

Do not disable about to die out choices

If ye don’t want to disable about to die out alternatives because anybody particular cause (like the usage of to them because of subject logic), since just conjoin that articles after thine theme’s functions.php file:

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